Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 100.-2 prises

    Name your bicycle

    Provide a name to a bicycle of your choice. We will label the bike accordingly and send you a photo by post.

  • CHF 250.-0 prise

    Insider tip from the island

    You will receive an information package about one of our most beautiful bike excursions on Lesvos island.

  • CHF 500.-0 prise

    International dinner

    We cook for you and 3 friends a delicious international dinner in Switzerland or on Lesvos island.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 prise

    Bike excursion with picknick

    We organize in Switzerland a bicycle excursion for two people with a Prosecco-picknick and a beautiful view.

  • CHF 1’500.-0 prise

    A trip with us on Lesvos

    We invite you to visit us on Lesvos in order to explore the island by bicycle. We take care of the costs for one flight up to the amount of CHF 200 and two overnight stays in a hotel for CHF 40 per night.