Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.
Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.
Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau
CHF 12.-7 prises
1 Shampoo + Thank you cardYou will receive one natural Shampoo of the BOOBeauty-line of your own choosing and a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note.(Delivery in Switzerland incl.)
CHF 30.-15 prises
3 Shampoos + Sticker + Thank you cardYou will receive three natural Shampoos of the BOOBeatuy-line of your own choosing. Additionally, you will be sent a sticker set with 4 BOOBtiful Stickers and a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note. (Delivery in Switzerland incl.)
CHF 40.-0 prise
Pralinen in Nippelform + DanksagungDu erhältst eine Schachtel mit 9 herrlichen, nippelförmigen Pralinen; Ein Traum zum Abbeissen. Dazu sende ich Dir eine Postkarte der BOOBirds-Serie mit Danksagung direkt zu Dir nach Hause. (Versand in die Schweiz inkl.)
CHF 70.-7 / 10 prises
Set of 10 Shampoos + Stickers + Nipple magnet + Thank you cardYou will receive the whole BOOBeauty-Set with 10 natural Shampoos for all hair types. Additionally, you will be sent a sticker set with 4 BOOBtiful stickers, a nipple magnet and a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note.(Delivery in Switzerland incl.)
CHF 100.-0 / 10 prise
Portrait + Fabric bag + Thank you noteYou will receive a BOOBoard – a portrait of my breast in a fabric bag (made of 100% cotton and explicitly developed with renewable energy) with the slogan «you are BOOBtiful» and a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note.(Delivery in Switzerland incl.)
CHF 120.-3 prises
Vase + Flower + Thank you noteYou will receive a flower vase with the shape of my breast (white on the outside, colored inside) with a matching flower and a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note.(Delivery in Switzerland incl.)
CHF 150.-2 / 8 prises
Cup + Choco dip stick with nippel shape + Thank you noteYou will receive a ceramic cup with the shape of my breast and a hot chocolate dip on a stick with the form of a nipple. It has never been more enjoyable to hold a hot cup of steaming hot chocolate. Additionally, you will be sent a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note.(Delivery in Switzerland incl.)
CHF 250.-3 prises
Breast moulding + your own breast portrait + Thank you noteI will come visit you at your home with my BOOBox to make a detailed mould of your breast. Afterwards I will transform your breast into a portrait - your own BOOBoard and will send it to you with a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note.(Only for swiss residents, delivery incl.)
CHF 500.-0 prise
1 portrait of 12 female breasts + Thank you noteYou will receive a wall art in the sice of 65x65cm with 12 portraits of various breasts. The differences of form and skin types are mesmerising and are brought to light even more through the with plaster surface. Additionally, you will be sent a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note.(Delivery in Switzerland incl.)
CHF 500.-1 prise
Breast moulding + Champagne + Result of your own choosing + Thank you noteI will come visit you at your home with my BOOBox to make a detailed mould of your breast. You may enjoy a fresh champagne with it or set the bottle in the fridge for further uses. Afterwards I will transform your breast into a Design of your choosing. Let your imagination run wild or get inspired on my website. The result and naturally a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note will be sent to you.(Only for swiss residents, delivery incl.)
CHF 1’500.-0 prise
Moulding of 12 female breasts + 3 bottles of champagne + 1 portrait of all 12 women + 12 single thank you notesYou are a large group of girlfriends and want to try something new? At one of your homes I invite you to 3 bottles of champagne and a moulding of 12 breasts. Afterwards I develop your private BOOBoard with all 12 portraits united in one 3-dimensional wall art. A wonderful memory for a unique evening together! Additionally, every one of you gets a postcard of the BOOBirds-series as a thank you note.(Only for swiss residents, delivery incl.)