Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 20.-5 taken

    Our eternal gratitudeä

    We are deeply grateful for your support! Your generous support means the world to us. In return, you receive our eternal gratitude and all our love - without any material consideration, but with an infinite appreciation that we carry in our hearts.

    CHF 20.-

  • CHF 30.-0 taken

    Pins & postcardsä

    You will receive two high-quality pins with our logo, which you can proudly wear on your jacket, rucksack or hat - so you can show everyone that you are an important part of our movement. You will also receive three postcards, also with our logo, which are perfect for giving away or collecting.

    CHF 30.-

  • CHF 50.-0 / 10 taken

    Online flash coachingä

    Get an effective and concentrated online coaching session of 20 minutes! This short but intensive session gives you the opportunity to ask specific questions, receive immediate feedback and find quick solutions to your current challenges. Perfect for those who need maximum clarity and support in a short space of time.

    CHF 50.-

  • CHF 50.-230 taken

    Just the book, please!ä

    You will receive a copy of the book «OCTOCRACY - shaping meaningful organisations». Not only will you be one of the first to hold our book in your hands, but you will also have the opportunity to apply the valuable insights and practical tips immediately.

    CHF 50.-

  • CHF 100.-3 / 10 taken

    Leadership & Caféä

    Immerse yourself in a profound philosophical leadership conversation! This special opportunity offers you the chance to discuss the fundamental principles and ethical aspects of leadership with Thomas Nast in a charming café setting. In this conversation, you will gain new perspectives and insights that will help you reflect on and develop your leadership skills.

    CHF 100.-

  • CHF 150.-5 taken

    The book with a dedicationä

    You will receive a copy of «OCTOCRACY - shaping meaningful organisations», specially dedicated to you personally. This dedication is an expression of our gratitude for your support and a sign that you are an important part of our community. With this unique book in your hands, you can not only benefit from the valuable content, but also feel our sincere appreciation.

    CHF 150.-

  • CHF 200.-0 / 5 taken

    Individual coachingä

    Receive an exclusive one-hour individual coaching session with Thomas Nast! Take advantage of this special opportunity to benefit from Thomas' extensive experience and expertise. In this individual session, you can ask specific questions, discuss personal challenges and receive valuable advice and strategies for your professional and personal development.

    CHF 200.-

  • CHF 250.-6 taken

    Ulimative leadership setä

    You will not only receive a copy of our new book «Octocracy - for meaningful, effective collaboration», but also our previous book «Leaders for a sustainable economy», both with a personal dedication. These dedications are an expression of our gratitude for your support and a sign that you are an important part of our community. With these unique books in your hands, you get the complete package to be an excellent leader. Both books complement each other perfectly and offer you valuable insights and practical tips for sustainable leadership and effective collaboration.

    CHF 250.-

  • CHF 500.-0 / 10 taken

    Apéro Riche with the authorsä

    We cordially invite you to an exclusive Apéro Riche with the authors. This opportunity offers you the unique chance to meet the authors in person, exchange ideas with them and network with other supporters of the project. Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, culinary delights and inspiring conversations about meaningful, effective collaboration.

    CHF 500.-

  • CHF 1’000.-0 taken

    360 Degree Leadership Checkä

    ake the opportunity to get a comprehensive 360-degree leadership check for your team. This proven tool assesses the leadership qualities and skills in your environment and provides you with valuable insights and feedback. The check includes a detailed analysis and is supplemented by a one-hour debriefing in which the results are discussed and individual recommendations for action are given.

    CHF 1’000.-

  • CHF 1’000.-0 / 5 taken

    Dinner with the authorsä

    We invite you to an exclusive dinner with the authors. This special opportunity offers you the chance to have in-depth conversations, ask questions and gain valuable insights directly from the authors in a relaxed atmosphere. Enjoy an evening full of inspiring discussions, culinary delights and networking.

    CHF 1’000.-

  • CHF 1’000.-0 taken

    Print shop tourä

    Experience an exclusive guided tour of the Vögeli print shop! Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of printing and gain a unique insight behind the scenes. Find out first-hand how our books are printed and discover how cradle-to-cradle production takes place here. This exclusive tour offers you the opportunity to experience the heart of our book project up close and learn more about the entire production process.

    CHF 1’000.-

  • CHF 2’500.-0 / 5 taken

    LP3 Momentumä

    Take the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive analysis of your company’s transformation capability with the proven LP3 Momentum. This special tool assesses the current willingness and ability to change and provides valuable insights and recommendations for action. With this analysis, you can take targeted measures to strengthen your company’s agility and resilience.

    CHF 2’500.-

  • CHF 2’500.-1 / 5 taken

    Personal coachingä

    Get a customized coaching experience with one of the authors! In three personal sessions, you will have the opportunity to receive valuable insights, advice and support. The focus will be on your individual concerns and goals - be it in the area of leadership, meaningful and effective collaboration or other topics that move you. Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to expand your skills and gain new perspectives.

    CHF 2’500.-

  • CHF 5’000.-0 / 3 taken

    Octocracy workshopä

    Experience an intensive half-day workshop on octocracy for you and up to 7 other participants! In this interactive workshop, you will learn about the principles and applications of octocracy and how you can implement them in your team or company. Through practical exercises and exciting discussions, you will gain valuable insights and practical tips to improve your collaboration and leadership.

    CHF 5’000.-

  • CHF 5’000.-0 / 3 taken

    Speech for up to 50 peopleä

    Benefit from an inspiring and informative presentation on Octocracy for up to 50 people! In this presentation, the basic principles and applications of octocracy will be presented to provide an in-depth understanding of this innovative concept. The presentation offers a unique opportunity to learn more about Octocracy and explore its potential for your team or organization.

    CHF 5’000.-

  • CHF 5’000.-0 / 3 taken

    Workshop for up to 8 pers.ä

    Experience an interactive and inspiring workshop in Bern or Biel! In this half-day event, you and up to 7 other participants will have the opportunity to learn from the authors of our book «OCTOCRACY - shaping meaningful organisations» and develop yourselves further together. The workshop offers a mix of theoretical input, practical exercises and discussions on topics such as leadership, meaningful and effective collaboration. Look forward to an intensive and enriching experience that will expand your skills and knowledge.

    CHF 5’000.-

  • CHF 10’000.-0 / 3 taken

    8-Day Octocracy Trainingä

    Secure your place on our intensive 8-day Octocracy Training! In this comprehensive program, you will dive deep into the principles and methods of octocracy. You will learn how to effectively combine leadership and agile collaboration to drive sustainable change in your team or organization. The training offers a mix of theoretical knowledge, practical exercises and interactive discussions that will provide you with valuable skills and tools.

    CHF 10’000.-

  • CHF 10’000.-0 / 3 taken

    Speech for up to 500 peopleä

    Get an inspiring and informative presentation on Octocracy for you and up to 499 other participants! In this presentation, the basic principles and applications of Octocracy will be presented to provide a deep understanding of this innovative concept. The presentation lasts between 45 and 60 minutes and offers a unique opportunity to learn more about Octocracy and explore its potential.

    CHF 10’000.-