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  • CHF 20.-2 / 25 vergeben

    Early bird

    You will get 1 CD «FALÚ» Die Guitar singt.
    Be the first to support the project.
    First 25 cds with a special price!

  • CHF 35.-2 vergeben


    You will get
    - 1 CD «FALÚ» Die Guitar singt.

  • CHF 45.-0 vergeben

    Signed CD

    You will get
    - 1 CD «FALÚ» Die Guitar singt signed by Pablo Marquez and Fabián Cardozo!

  • CHF 120.-0 vergeben

    Signed CD + support

    You will get
    - 1 CD «FALÚ» Die Guitar singt signed by Pablo Marquez and Fabián Cardozo!
    - General mention in the cd booklet

  • CHF 200.-0 vergeben

    Signed CD + mention + pict

    You will get
    - 1 CD «FALÚ» Die Guitar singt signed by Pablo Marquez and Fabián Cardozo!
    - Special mention in the cd booklet
    - Signed picture of the artists

  • CHF 600.-1 vergeben

    Signed CD + private concert

    You will get
    - 1 CD «FALÚ» Die Guitar singt signed by Pablo Marquez and Fabián Cardozo!
    - Special mention in the cd booklet
    - 45 min. private solo concert with the guitarist Fabian Cardozo

  • CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben


    You will get
    - 5 CDs «FALÚ» Die Guitar singt signed by Pablo Marquez and Fabián Cardozo!
    - Special mention in the cd booklet
    - 45 min. private solo concert with the guitarist Fabian Cardozo