Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
EUR 15.-1 taken
- Personalised thank you messages: Personalised digital thank you letters or video messages from the founding team or project managers.- Free use of the advertising manager for one year: Supporters do not incur any costs for using the advertising manager for one year
EUR 30.-0 taken
• Feedback-Loops: Direkte Möglichkeit, Feedback zu geben und in den Entscheidungsprozess eingebunden zu werden, etwa durch spezielle Foren oder Feedback-Formulare.• Virtuelle Q&A-Sitzungen: Regelmäßige virtuelle Fragerunden mit dem Management-Team oder Projektleitern, bei denen Investoren ihre Fragen stellen können.
EUR 50.-0 taken
- factory tours: Exclusive tours of the production facilities or company premises.- meet-and-greet with the team: personal meetings with the founders and the management team.- live Climdo events: new features are presented at exclusive events. From all Climdo Supporters, 10 people are always invited. The other supporters can purchase tickets at preferential prices before everyone else
EUR 100.-0 / 50 taken
- Newsletter with exclusive content: Regular updates, reports on the progress of projects and exclusive background information.- Virtual background discussions: Participation in webinars or online seminars with the founding team, experts or other key players.
EUR 500.-0 / 20 taken
- Mention on the website: Investors could be named as supporters on a special page of the company website. This can take the form of a virtual 'roll of honour’.- Digital badges: Awarding of digital badges that investors can share on their social media or personal profiles.- Honorary memberships: Awarding of virtual memberships in exclusive online communities or forums on the Climdo platform.