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Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.
Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n
CHF 10.-1 vergeben
Have your name printed in the concerts program.
CHF 20.-5 vergeben
Have your name printed in the concerts program and receive two postcards (at your choice) representing the scores’ covers of Faugues’ Masses.
CHF 40.-3 vergeben
Have your name printed in the concerts program and receive all six postcards representing the scores’ covers of Faugues’ Masses.
CHF 60.-1 / 50 vergeben
Have your name printed in the concerts program, receive all six postcards representing the scores’ covers of Faugues’ Masses + receive a limited serigraphed print of the concerts’ poster.
CHF 90.-1 / 30 vergeben
Rewards above + receive the score of «Missa L’homme armé», autographed by Arco Antiqua’s musicians.
CHF 180.-0 / 10 vergeben
Rewards above + receive the unabridged version of Guillaume Faugues’ masses (6 vol.) set in a exclusive box.
CHF 300.-0 / 10 vergeben
Jackpot! Rewards above + share a brunch with the musicians (on the 16th November 2014).