Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • EUR 5.-0 vergeben

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    You will also receive ’metagravy discovery points’. These points will be associated with your metagravy fan profile. Once metagravy is very popular you can allocate these points to your favorite metagravy artists they will be used to elevate that artist’s artwork above the crowd.

  • EUR 15.-1 / 25 vergeben

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    Be invited to beta test as a core creator.
    You will receive one of the limited beta test versions of metagravy. You will be able to contribute your artwork and story (lumps) into scene using metagravy.

    Note: You will also receive ’metagravy discovery points’.
    Certain rules or limitations apply.

  • EUR 30.-2 / 50 vergeben

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    Be invited to beta test as a fan.

    You will be enrolled in the beta test as a consumer. You will receive one of the limited beta test versions of metagravy.

    Note: You will also receive ’metagravy discovery points’.
    Certain rules or limitations apply.

  • EUR 120.-0 vergeben

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    Pick the next television series for lump creation testing.

    You may submit you favorite TV series and we will add it to our beta testing priority list. We will use this list to select the next TV series for lump creation during the beta testing period.

    Note: You will also receive ’metagravy discovery points’. Certain rules or limitations apply.

  • EUR 120.-1 vergeben

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    Pick the next film for lump creation testing.

    You may submit you favorite film and we will add it to our beta testing priority list. We will use this list to select the next film for lump creation during the beta testing period.

    Note: You will also receive ’metagravy discovery points’. Certain rules or limitations apply.

  • EUR 250.-0 / 12 vergeben

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    Join the team and other creators for the metagravy version of a ’Hackathon’...Called a ’Lumpathon’. During the ’Lumpathon’ the group will create lumps for a to be selected movie franchise. The ’Lumpathon’ is a great way to network and collaborate with your peer artists.

    Location: Los Angeles
    Travel, lodging and other costs are not included and are the responsibility of the attendee.
    Certain restrictions apply.