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Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 30.-7 vergeben

    2 beautiful postcardsä

    2 postcards created with colorful pictures of the participants' solos !
    The photos are made by our amazing Dancing the Political photographers Aline Zandona and Philippe Vollenweider.

  • CHF 50.-4 vergeben

    Fluidity online dance classä

    1h30 Fluid movement online class with Saed Mansour.
    This is a body search inspired by the quality of fluidity and water.
    Open to everyone

  • CHF 50.-2 vergeben

    Impro dance classä

    Come and join one of Héloïse's regular 1-hour dance-improvisation classes in Geneva !
    Open to everyone

  • CHF 80.-1 vergeben

    Masterclass political danceä

    Private online masterclass for artists or amateurs to get Héloïse & Saed insight tools from the workshop Dancing the Political.

  • CHF 130.-1 vergeben

    Dance Pack Impro + Fluidityä

    A pack of 2 special dance classes from Héloïse and 1 online dance class from Saed!

  • CHF 250.-0 vergeben

    Dinner + share + 3 postcardsä

    A convivial dinner with workshop participants and teachers at the end of the workshop, where we'll share our experiences with you.
    3 postcards created with colorful pictures of the participants' solos.
    The photos are made by our amazing Dancing the Political photographers Aline Zandona and Philippe Vollenweider.

  • CHF 500.-0 vergeben

    Dance pack + dinner + shareä

    The Impro + Fluidity Pack mentioned above
    A convivial dinner with workshop participants and teachers at the end of the workshop where we'll share our experiences with you.

  • CHF 1’200.-2 vergeben

    Pack classes+dinner+tourä

    The Impro + Fluidity Pack mentioned above
    A convivial dinner with workshop participants and teachers at the end of the workshop, where we'll share our experiences with you.
    If you're traveling to Palestine/Israel, Saed will take you on a 4h tour of various locations, telling you his story and introducing you to a number of committed local artists.