Scegliere una ricompensa

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Sostenere senza ricompensa

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progetto

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 15.-2 prese


    For dancers and choreographers and fellow artists: You can join our training in the period June till September, as often as you like (precise dates will be send to you). And we invite you to one of the downhill downriver downtown – tours of your choice. Dates: 29./30. Aug. 5./6. Sept. od. 26./27. Sept. 2015

  • CHF 30.-4 prese


    You receive an invitation for 2 persons for one of the three downhill downriver downtown – tours of your choice; including refreshments and special treats accommodated to each tour, prepared explicitly and with the greatest of care!

  • CHF 60.-2 prese


    You receive an invitation for 2 persons for two of the three downhill downriver downtown – tours of your choice; including refreshments and special treats accommodated to each tour, prepared explicitly and with the greatest of care!

  • CHF 90.-3 prese


    You receive an invitation for 2 persons for all three downhill downriver downtown – tours of your choice; including refreshments and special treats accommodated to each tour, prepared explicitly and with the greatest of care!

  • CHF 120.-3 prese


    You can visit a rehearsal and get to know us and our way of working. If you are up to it, you can join us in action and come up with ideas. The rehearsals will be captured and you will receive a vimeo-link with a trailer of this rehearsal. Of course you are also invited to the three downhill downriver downtown – tours, including refreshments and special treats accommodated to each tour, prepared explicitly and with the greatest of care!

  • CHF 150.-1 presa


    Invitation to all three downhill downriver downtown – tours + a workshop tour through forest, water and city. (Date to be agreed on)

  • CHF 180.-0 prese


    Invitation to all three downhill downriver downtown – tours + a workshop-tour through forest, water and city. (Date to be agreed on) + a bollwerk – outdoor training guide, consisting of outdoor training – items I collected during my research for downhill downriver downtown.

  • CHF 250.-0 prese


    Invitation to all three downhill downriver downtown – tours + a workshop-tour through forest, water and city. (Date to be agreed on) + a bollwerk – outdoor training guide, consisting of outdoor training – items I collected during my research for downhill downriver downtown + the video tutorial to the ’bollwerk – outdoor training guide’.

  • CHF 500.-0 prese


    You want more? How about that: You can lead a rehearsal with us, influence us and bring in your ideas concerning hill, river and city. After the rehearsal we invite you for dinner and discuss with you the rehearsal day. You will be mentioned in the credits in all communication material of the production. Further more you are of course invited to participate at all three downhill downriver downtown – tours!

  • CHF 1’000.-1 presa


    Wow! You get a private downhill downriver downtown – tour for you and your friends, colleagues and family, including refreshments and special treats prepared explicitly and with the greatest of care! (max. 45 participants)

  • CHF 1’500.-0 prese


    You know stunning views, special places or challenging terrain? We create a dance performance tour there for you. We integrate your ideas and create together with you a unique tour on the spots and for the companions of your choice. The route must be reachable within a maximum 3 hours driving from Zurich and be now longer than 5 km from the starting till the end point. Max. 45 companions can participate during 2 h.

  • CHF 1’800.-0 prese


    You are a firm and want to book a ​downhill downriver downtown – ​t​our ​for an event of your firm​ (max. 45)

  • CHF 2’000.-0 prese


    You are a curator / festival organizer and would like to program downhill downriver downtown for your program or festival.