Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.
Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.
Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo
EUR 10.-7 prese
You think our idea is cool and you want to show your appreciation for our work, you get our appreciation and recognition for becoming a co-creator - just glory and honor!
EUR 20.-18 prese
As a thank you for supporting our project, we will send you a surprise postcard from DROPINA signed by all of us in the project development team.
EUR 40.-10 prese
In the DROPINA there is dancing - the room makes itself available as a space for meeting in motion and lets its charm play. You are there exclusively.The dance journey takes place on the opening weekend from 16. to 18.09. in Nenzing. Exact starting date will be announced in time.
EUR 45.-8 prese
Eine magische Klangreise exklusiv für Dich! Fühl Dich geborgen im heilsamen Raum der DROPINA. Lass Dich einhüllen vom Klangzauber, bis jede Zelle in Deinem Körper mitschwingt. Die Klangreise findet im Rahmen der DROPINA Eröffnung statt und der Termin wird rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben.
EUR 55.-12 prese
White t-shirt with a DROPINA graphic, noble, simple and concise, screen printed.
EUR 60.-8 prese
For the inauguration of our DROPINA there will be a sound journey in the tent. Experience powerful gongs and delicate sound beings, and a sound firework in between, safe in the belly of the DROPINA.The sound journey will take place on the opening weekend from 16 to 18 September in Nenzing. Exact starting date will be announced in time.
EUR 80.-1 / 3 presa
Ein ganz persönliches Womb Blessing® in der DROPINA am Eröffnungswochenende im September erwartet dich.Womb Blessing ist eine energetische Segensweitergabe einer initiierten Moon Mother (nach Miranda Gray), welche Frauen für die Präsenz des heiligen Weiblichen in ihnen selbst und in ihrem Leben öffnet. Die Verbindung zum heiligen weiblichen Prinzip wird gestärkt und genährt.
EUR 80.-1 presa
High quality C-print, 50 x 70 cm, signed by hand - the DROPINA poster.
Questa ricompensa è esaurita.
EUR 95.-12 / 12 prese
The DROPINA as a space for the first FRAUenTEMPEL in the Red Belly Tent. As part of the inauguration ceremony, you will participate exclusively. The FRAUenTEMPEL will take place on the opening weekend from 16. to 18.09. in Nenzing. Exact starting date will be announced in time.
EUR 150.-4 prese
You get all three first DROPINA printing units free of charge.
EUR 200.-3 prese
You find our work worthy of support and want to enjoy the benefits of our association through your membership. We are looking forward to have you on board as a member and to welcome you at the nextnext nutritional meeting for members (if desired).
EUR 450.-1 presa
Be part of the festival for femininity in man and woman in spring 2023 and enjoy 4 days filled with workshops around the topic of being a woman. Recharge your batteries and arrive at your place!The festival will take place in Vorarlberg, the seminar location will be announced.
EUR 1.000.-1 / 3 presa
For a weekend you get the newly created DROPINA - in your garden, for your party, your meditation circle orsimply as your temporary bedroom.