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Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.
Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau
CHF 20.-2 prises
Postcard with a picture from the book «escaping wars and waves»
CHF 30.-1 prise
Exclusive Strapazin Issue with the drawings and the story of Almotaz made by Olivier Kugler.
CHF 50.-0 prise
Postcard set of 4 cards with pictures from the book «escaping wars and waves».
CHF 80.-0 / 20 prise
Poster with a picture from the book «escaping wars and waves».
CHF 120.-2 prises
Actual book with drawings from the artist, published by Edition Moderne (26th october 2017)
CHF 250.-0 / 15 prise
Big A1 Poster with a picture from the book «escaping wars and waves»
CHF 350.-0 / 20 prise
Book «escaping wars and waves» with a personal dedication from the artist.
CHF 500.-0 prise
Original pencil drawing from the artist and his actual story about Almotaz. Limited edition.
CHF 750.-0 / 10 prise
Annual strapazin subscription inclusive a book «escaping wars and waves» with a personal dedication from the artist.