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  • CHF 10.-0 vergeben

    Cahier de Recherche

    Publication des AFA, 40 pages couleur.

    Cahier de Recherche
    Essaouira / 1980 / Eliane Laubscher
    with texts by the curator A+* and images of the exhibition and its making of. with interview and additional photo material by Eliane Laubscher.

  • CHF 20.-0 vergeben

    «Archives» T-SHIRT

    «Archives» T-shirt
    bio cotton, hand silkscreened by Lowrider, Fribourg
    Collection AFA
    Get the T-shirt «Archives» in S,M,L,XL

  • CHF 30.-0 vergeben

    «Aura» T-SHIRT

    «Aura» T-shirt
    bio cotton, hand silkscreened by Lowrider, Fribourg
    Collection AFA
    Get the T-shirt «Archives» in S,M,L,XL

  • CHF 50.-0 / 200 vergeben


    Limited edition Eliane Laubscher photo T-shirt
    bio cotton, hand silkscreened by Lowrider, Fribourg
    Collection AFA
    Get the limited photo print T-shirt in S,M,L,XL through the post as soon as it is out.

  • CHF 100.-0 vergeben


    Digital color or black and whit print
    format 24 x 36
    matt paper

  • CHF 300.-1 vergeben


    Black and whithe silver print 24 x 36 cm
    printed by l’Atelier l’Anarchiste, Fribourg
    worldwide shipping included

    choose a photo of Eliane Laubscher and get a signed limited edition

  • CHF 1’000.-0 / 22 vergeben


    Black and whithe silver print 40 x 60 cm
    Barithe paper
    printed by l’Atelier l’Anarchiste, Fribourg
    mounted on aluminium frame for a timeless display in your home.
    worldwide shipping included

    choose a photo of Eliane Laubscher and get a signed limited edition

  • CHF 4’000.-0 vergeben

    Voyage pour 2 à Essaouira

    Vol Genève Marrakech aller retour pour 2,
    transfert en taxi jusqu'à Essaouira aller retour,
    chambre double pour 6 nuits à Essaouira
    visite guidée de l'exposition par Eliane Laubscher