Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without reward

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 20.-0 taken


    You recieve a CD of the founder of the Academy and pianist Daniel Levy with a personal signature.

  • CHF 30.-0 taken


    You recieve the book of Daniel Levy «Euphony – The sound of Life»
    with a personal signature.

  • CHF 50.-0 taken


    You recieve a CD of the founder of the Academy and pianist Daniel Levy and his book «Euphony – The sound of Life».
    Both of them with a personal signature.

  • CHF 100.-0 taken


    You choose a concert/vernissage/film and meet after the concert/vernissage/film the musicians/artist/art directeur for a drink and get togheter. Value per person.

  • CHF 150.-1 taken


    A collection of eight CDs that enable the listener to achieve self-awareness, actively and consciously, through tonal resonance, silences and melodies. The 7 Tones of Balance and Musical Ecology of the Mind are music for piano and resonance composed and performed by the pianist Daniel Levy.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 taken


    You recieve an artwork of Marga Baigorria from the collection Waterclours with a personal signature.

  • CHF 2’400.-0 / 3 taken


    The Academy comes to you during your «open day», meeting, seminar or event and offers an 4 hour Introduction to the world of Euphony. Dates by agreement, in English or Italian, German with translation.

  • CHF 6’000.-0 / 2 taken


    «The Art of Listening – an Introduction to Euphony».
    A one day seminar for 8 people to procure a basic knowledge about the importance of listening and to try different methods. You will train your perception and learn, experience and realize the immediate effect in your everyday and professional life. Dates and location by agreement, catering selfpay,in English or Italian, German with translation.

  • CHF 12’000.-0 / 2 taken


    Congratulation – you are an official Concert Sponsor and you will stand for many interesting benefits.
    – Advertisment of 1 page at the programm ASCONA MUSIC FESTIVAL
    – Online presence at the website
    – Brand and product placement during the event
    – 80 tickets (it’s an pubblic event, the sponsor has the possibility of exclusivity upon request)
    – 30 guests for a get together with the musicians after the concert
    – 4 hours of AIDE activities during an event of the sponsor.