Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartieä

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contributionä

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 5.-0 prise


    You will get a big thank you from us by email.

  • EUR 10.-0 prise


    You get a beautiful «101 Fine Art Nude Photographers» Art postcard! In addition, you will receive our heartfelt thank you email

  • EUR 25.-0 prise


    You receive one freshly printed edition of «101 Fine Art Nude Photographers» (planned PP € 38.00) and our heartfelt thank you email

  • EUR 50.-0 prise


    You receive 2 freshly printed copies of «101 Fine Art Nude Photographers» (planned PP € 38.00), and a postcard set (5 pieces) with impressive works of the presented artists

  • EUR 75.-0 prise


    You receive 3 freshly printed copies of «101 Fine Art Nude Photographers» (planned PP € 38.00), and a postcard set (10 pieces) with impressive works of the presented artists and a limited mouse pad with the cover motif of this book

  • EUR 99.-0 prise


    You receive 4 autographed editions of «101 Fine Art Nude Photographers» (planned PP € 38.00), and a postcard set (20 pieces) with impressive works of the presented artists and a limited cell phone case (only iPhone and Samsung Galaxy) with the cover motif of this book

  • EUR 199.-1 prise


    You become a patron and your name will be published in the book! You also get 5 autographed editions of «101 Fine Art Nude Photographers», and a postcard set (25 pieces) with impressive works of the presented artists and a limited cell phone case (only iPhone and Samsung Galaxy) with the cover motif of this book

  • EUR 499.-0 / 30 prise


    You become a sponsor and your name (with logo if desired) will get a special place in the book! In addition, you get 15 autographed editions of «101 Fine Art Nude Photographers», and a postcard set (30 pieces) with impressive works of the presented artists and a limited cell phone case (only iPhone and Samsung Galaxy) with the cover motif of this book

  • EUR 999.-0 / 5 prise


    You are a premium sponsor and your name will get a front row seat in our book (with logo if desired)! In addition, you’ll receive 30 autographed editions of «101 Fine Art Nude Photographers», and a postcard set (50 pieces) with impressive works of the presented artists and a limited cell phone case (only iPhone and Samsung Galaxy) with the cover motif of this book

  • EUR 1.499.-0 / 1 prise


    You are the main sponsor and your name gets a place of honor in our book (with logo if desired)! In addition, you’ll receive 50 autographed editions of «101 Fine Art Nude Photographers», and a postcard set (100 pieces) with impressive works of the presented artists, 5 limited cell phone cases (only iPhone or Samsung Galaxy) and 5 limited mouse pads each with a cover motif of this book.