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You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 15.-8 taken

    Digital EP & Discography

    New unreleased EP (digital format) + other correlated extras

  • EUR 25.-2 taken

    T-shirt colors

    Our personalized T-shirt in colours

  • EUR 25.-5 taken

    T-shirt black/white

    Our personalized T-shirt in black and white

  • EUR 30.-4 taken

    Digital EP & T-shirt

    Combination of our new unreleased EP (digital format) + personalized T-shirt

  • EUR 40.-0 taken

    Fan Bag

    Our Floor 5 perzonalized bag with band gadgets (poster, stickers etc.)

  • EUR 50.-4 taken

    T-shirt + Fan Bag

    Combination of our original Floor 5 T-shirt and Fan Bag

  • EUR 80.-1 taken

    Personal Composition

    A personalized piece of music composed for you or the possibility to do a collaboration with us

  • EUR 150.-1 taken

    Ableton Session/Lesson

    A private consulting/session to see from a closer poin of view our workflow

  • EUR 200.-1 taken

    One day producing with us

    The possibility to spend a full day with us at our studio in Berlin in order to connect with our musical vision and our personalities

  • EUR 300.-1 taken

    Private Concert

    A personal and unique concert to experience our sound in the comfort of your private space