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Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

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You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 50.-7 taken


    PENGUINS CAN’T FLY! Which is why I want to help the guys off the ground with my support. Why? Because I think #fruitfliesstink. If you decide to purchase a FreezyBoy within one year after the crowdfunding campaign ends, you will receive a rebate equal to the amount of your support. You will also receive one of the coveted chef’s hats: FreezyBoy Chef.

  • CHF 120.-1 taken


    «GUTSCHEIN FÜR FREEZYBOY» Achtung Geschenkidee! Du zahlst CHF 120 und erhältst einen Gutschein im Wert von CHF 200. Sobald FreezyBoy BLACK oder WHITE verfügbar ist, kannst du ihn mit CHF 200 Ermässigung beziehen. Der Gutschein ist übertragbar und wird dir nach Kampagnenschluss zugestellt.

  • CHF 425.-82 / 82 taken


    HYPER EARLY PENGUIN LOVER. 1 x FreezyBoy BLACK or WHITE for a special price of 425 Swiss francs instead of 720 Swiss francs including postage to Switzerland and the EU. You will be asked which color you prefer by email after the successful campaign has come to an end.

  • CHF 460.-21 / 50 taken


    «SUPER PENGUIN LOVER» 1 x FreezyBoy BLACK or WHITE for a special price of 460 Swiss francs instead of 720 Swiss francs including postage to Switzerland and the EU. You will be asked which color you prefer by email after the successful campaign has come to an end.

  • CHF 500.-3 taken


    EARLY PENGUIN LOVER. 1 x FreezyBoy BLACK or WHITE for a special price of 500 Swiss francs instead of 720 Swiss francs including postage to Switzerland and the EU. You will be asked which color you prefer by email after the successful campaign has come to an end. You will also receive one of the coveted chef’s hats: FreezyBoy Chef.

  • CHF 775.-15 / 30 taken


    FREEZYBOY COMPLET 600. You always get the job done and want to order the whole nine yards of the complete waste system including pull-out drawer and sliding system. Installation is easy and requires no technical knowledge. For the exact scope of delivery, please refer to the model description.

  • CHF 1’000.-6 taken


    PENGUIN SUPER SERVICE (only Swiss addresses). 1 x FreezyBoy BLACK or WHITE delivered and installed by the three founders personally. They will also bring a bottle of champagne plus an Apéro platter with them and can hardly wait to tell you the whole FreezyBoy story and how it all began. You will be asked which color you prefer by email after the successful campaign has come to an end.

  • CHF 5’000.-1 / 2 taken


    ECONOMIST. Book one whole day with the three inventors of FreezyBoy. All three will be at your service for that day! We are experts in the areas of business processes, marketing and sales and would like to put together a new concept with you, optimize your processes or hold a workshop on a topic of interest from our perspective. We are open for any favorite topic you may have and look forward to making your day worthwhile!

  • CHF 25’000.-1 / 1 taken


    PENGUIN SIGNATURE. Do you want to go down in FreezeBoy history? For your contribution in this category, the inside bins from the first production series will be signed with your name (on the bottom). For example: JOHN SMITH / Supporter.

  • CHF 216’000.-1 / 1 taken


    «V-ZUG» 500 Stück FreezyBoy BLACK oder WHITE für Eigenbedarf als Unterstützung und Förderung des Startups.