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  • CHF 30.-42 vergeben

    Salted Butter Caramel

    A 100ml jar of homemade salted butter caramel, perfect for your next pancake party!

    Glass jar in a Kraft bag and a wooden spoon to be picked up on the spot, on order.

  • CHF 50.-27 vergeben

    Box of Cookies

    Shortbread with cranberries, oranges and bitter almonds. The box of cookies to share for morning coffees with colleagues.

    350gr box to be picked up on site, on order.

  • CHF 70.-8 vergeben

    Mini Cupcakes

    A nice box of 12 mini cupcakes, for your next baby shower. The decoration will be made according to your taste.

    Box to be picked up on the spot, on order.

  • CHF 100.-28 vergeben


    One of my friends' favorite desserts: the red fruit and speculos bavarois. A fresh and creamy dessert to end a perfect summer meal.

    Cake for 8-10 people to be picked up on site, on order.

  • CHF 150.-8 vergeben

    Layer Cake

    The birthday cake for your little one! Decoration and flavors made according to your taste.

    Cake for 10 persons to be picked up on the spot, on order.

  • CHF 300.-1 vergeben

    Number Cake

    Is it your best friend's 30th birthday? Look no further for the perfect cake! A light and fresh dessert with a flowery decoration.

    Cake for 15 people (2 digits) to be picked up on the spot, on order.

  • CHF 500.-7 vergeben

    Dessert Buffet

    You have a special event coming up? A wedding? A birthday? A baptism? Here is everything you need for a dessert buffet. A themed cake, with mignardises specially decorated for the occasion.

    Buffet for 30 people, on order.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben

    Pastry Workshops

    3, 2, 1... Ready… bake! Discovery workshop in my studio for the whole family. We will learn how to make a layer cake and cupcakes.

    An afternoon of pastry making for max. 4 people.