Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 15.-3 prises

    Postcard for you

    We write a postcard to you with our personal thanks

  • EUR 35.-2 prises

    ART-BAG «Togetherness»

    You get a black gym bag printed with the painting «Togetherness», the title of the painting and our bag-slogan «The gallery is closed but I carry art!»
    The bag is 100% cotton.

  • EUR 58.-2 prises

    ART-SHIRT «Laß die Sau raus»

    You get a T-Shirt printed with the painting «Laß die Sau raus (Turn the pig loose)», the title of the painting and our slogan «The gallery is closed but I wear art!»
    You can choose, if you want the title given in German or English.
    You can choose the size (S-5XL) and either a black or a white T-Shirt.
    Please let us know your choice.

  • EUR 58.-2 prises

    ART-SHIRT «Outfox the Fox»

    You get a T-Shirt printed with the painting «Outfox the Fox», the title of the painting and our slogan «The gallery is closed but I wear art!»
    You can choose the size (S-5XL) and either a black or a white T-Shirt.
    Please let us know your choice.

  • EUR 75.-1 / 25 prise


    You vote for the painting you like best: «BackSight Cover - Freunde im Öl» or «The calf of 3 and the serpent of fortune».
    You get a T-Shirt printed with the winner painting of the voting, the title of the painting and our slogan «The gallery is closed but I wear art!»
    Please let us know, which painting you vote for, as well as your desired T-Shirt size (S-5XL) and colour (black or white).

  • EUR 75.-0 / 25 prise


    You vote for the painting you like best: «Peace in the middle of nowhere» or «Im Strom der Animalistik (in the animalistic stream)».
    You get a T-Shirt printed with the winner painting of the voting, the title of the painting and our slogan «The gallery is closed but I wear art!»
    Please let us know, which painting you vote for, as well as your desired T-Shirt size (S-5XL) and colour (black or white).

  • EUR 500.-0 / 1 prise


    We paint a T-Shirt directly thereby creating your very personal unique piece of art, that you can carry with you, wherever you may go.
    Let us know your thoughts, dreams and wishes and whatever moves you at the moment and we will take that as input for this unique shirt-painting. Aditionally, the shirt will be painted with our slogan «The gallery is closed but I wear art!». And also with your own slogan or caption or personal words, that you want to have on it - only if do want that, you are completely in your choice as to that.
    The T-Shirt is white. You choose your desired size (S-5XL).
    Please wirte to us, to give us your input and / or call us up to talk directly with us.