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You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 45.-2 taken

    Collection Nuä

    This is our «Nude» collection, the one that preserves it's purest essence. We want to share it with you for supporting our project, by sending you a set of 4 different colours (or the ones you choose!)

    CHF 45.-

  • CHF 70.-1 taken

    La Suisseä

    We couldn't miss having a collection that included some of the main qualities of our beautiful country, right? And we want to share it with you for supporting our project!

    CHF 70.-

  • CHF 90.-0 taken

    The Catsä

    Our cats collection has been the most popular one. May be it’s because it was the first one and was made with extra special love, or may be because there’s a lot of Cat Lovers out there.
    We want to share one collection of 4 glasses with you for supporting our project.

    CHF 90.-

  • CHF 120.-0 taken

    The Little Prince - Le Petitä

    The two Petit collections (8 glasses in total):
    One of our mini and super special glasses, and the other one of this very special character who has been in the heart of many for almost a century.

    CHF 120.-

  • CHF 150.-0 taken

    Dog Lover and The Catsä

    For our supportes who love animals, we will be offering our two pet collections: for Cats and Dog lovers! (8 glasses in total)

    CHF 150.-