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  • CHF 10.-1 vergeben

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    Thank you :)! I will send you a nice postcard from my beloved region!

  • CHF 25.-22 vergeben

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    I will send you my new EP, signed!

  • CHF 50.-8 vergeben

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    I will send you my new EP, signed + a link to download my first solo album «Catching Illusions».

  • CHF 85.-8 vergeben

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    I will bring you the new EP myself, signed (in the french part of Switzerland and neighbouring France) + a link to my first solo album AND I will bring a home made cheescake with me so we can have coffee and a little something to eat together :) (I love cooking and my friends luuuuv’ my food!)

  • CHF 100.-16 vergeben

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    My new EP signed + 2 VIP pass to come backstage before one of my shows. You can come alone or with someone, as you wish, and let’s have a drink together!

  • CHF 150.-3 vergeben

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    My new EP signed, the possibility to assist to our rehearsals and soundcheck before the show + spend the rest of the evening backstage with us. Alone or with someone, we’ll be happy to have you with us and have some drinks! :)

  • CHF 215.-2 vergeben

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    Before the album release: join us during one of our recording sessions at the Studio du Moulin in Vaulion and stay with us for lunch!

  • CHF 300.-3 vergeben

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    Before the album release: join one of our recording sessions and sing with us, I’m actually looking for backing vocals for one of my songs ;) so spend the day with us and at the end of the day take a MP3 of the song back home (not mastered).

  • CHF 350.-0 vergeben

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    What about a 1h acoustic concert at your place? I will bring the apero!

  • CHF 400.-1 vergeben

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    My new album as a gift, 2 invitations to assist during our rehearsals before the show, stay with us during dinner and after the show and let’s have some drinks together. Everything will be filmed and sent to you once the images will be put together... nice memories to watch after a hangover or something ;))

  • CHF 500.-1 vergeben

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    How about my coming to YOUR place, with a menu of your choice? I will come with my guitarist/chorist and will play during 1h30 during dessert. The concert will be filmed and sent to you + the new EP signed.

  • CHF 610.-0 vergeben

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    Let’s write a song together! You have a song? You have lyrics? I’ll finish it and I will sing it when I’ll come at your place to offer you a 1h30 acoustic concert with my guitarist/chorist. I will come with a receipe of your choice and the concert will be filmed. That’s gooooood! :)

  • CHF 700.-0 vergeben

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    A concert at your place with my full band (the drummer will come with percussion, we’d be sad to have the police joining the event!), 1 hour of concert, filmed + send me 5 cover songs that you would like me to sing alone with my guitar. And of course I’ll bring the «apero»!

  • CHF 800.-1 vergeben

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    What about: a 1h acoustic concert at your place with my bringing some good food, my new album as a gift (signed), 4 invitations to come to the release album event with a pass to come backstage to have drinks together. This moment will be filmed and sent to you !

  • CHF 1’000.-1 vergeben

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    Concert and dinner at MY PLACE: it’s gonna be fun! I’ll invite you at my place, will cook for you (let me know your food restriction and let me impress you), and let’s have digestif with a 1 1/2 hour acoustic concert, you can also ask me to play some cover songs and I will learn them before the day. ... And my new album of course! If you come at 12.00 pm I’ll prepare a brunch, if you come the evening we’ll have dinner!

  • CHF 2’000.-0 vergeben

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    Wow! That would be amazing! I’ll invite you at my place, will cook for you, will play an acoustic concert with my musicians + cover songs of your choice + my new album + 4 invitations to come to the «Concerts du Moulin» that will take place in spring 2017. And we’ll have some other surprises for you :)!