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Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

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  • EUR 3.-0 / 1000 prese

    First book early backersä

    Get the first book in your e-mail by the end of the campaign. This is an extra low special offer for early backers. Limited to first 1000.

  • EUR 5.-0 prese

    First bookä

    Get the first book in your e-mail by the end of the campaign.

  • EUR 10.-2 / 1000 prese

    All four books early backersä

    Get all 4 books. First 2 books sent to your e-mail by the end of the campaign. This is an extra low special offer for early backers. Limited to first 1000.

  • EUR 16.-0 prese

    All 4 booksä

    Get all 4 books. First 2 books sent to your e-mail by the end of the campaign.

  • EUR 40.-0 / 100 prese

    All 4 books + name in bookä

    Get 4 books + your name in the backers list (in the book). Limited to first 100.