Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.
Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.
Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo
CHF 50.-3 prese
You find this a truly great initiative and would like to support it, but will be unable to join us during Easter 2018. We thank you for any donation.
CHF 100.-17 prese
You want to visit a particular concert - and the concert is worth more to you than the cost of the ticket. As a gift there is a small NussTorte from the Kesslerhof.
CHF 150.-4 prese
You want to visit a particular concert. You are prepared to pay a typical «Zürich price» for the ticket. In addition to the ticket, you receive a delicious NussTorte from the Kesslerhof!
CHF 200.-9 prese
To make the whole festival worthwhile for you, you want to visit two concerts, excluding the brunch concerts. In addition to the tickets, you will also get a nice piece of Klosters alp cheese from the Kesslerhof.
CHF 300.-6 prese
You want to visit all the concerts taking place on any one day and you want to provide additional support to the Keyboard festival. We will send you a Salsiz and a Klosters alp cheese on a small serving board from the Kesslerhof.
CHF 500.-2 prese
You want to enjoy two full days of the Keyboard festival - you will be acknowledged as a sponsor in the list of sponsors. In addition to the two purchased day passes, you will receive, by post, a little bag including Klosters alp cheese and local salami from Kesslerhof.
CHF 600.-3 prese
You want to enjoy all twelve concerts over the whole Easter weekend and be included in the list of sponsors. In addition to the 4-day pass, you will receive, by post, a large platter including Klosters Alp cheese, dried meats and speciality biscuits from the Kesslerhof.
CHF 1’000.-3 prese
You want to enjoy all twelve concerts, and the brunches and are a much-appreciated, significant sponsor. The gift is not only a 4-day pass, but a specially designed platter with Klosters alp cheese, a local cherry brandy, dried meat, a small pen-knife and speciality biscuits, all from the Kesslerhof.