Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 30.-3 prises

    Friends of the Project

    Friends of the Project!
    For a support of 30 Euros your name will be mentioned on the list of supporters’’Friends of the project’’ on my website www.flakagoranci.com, at the Project's page!

  • EUR 40.-0 prise

    Signed photo

    A high quality artistic photo of the CD cover will be signed by me, orchestra and the conductor and delivered to your door!

  • EUR 50.-23 prises

    CD-EU Delivery

    CD-EU delivery
    You will receive our CD delivered in any of the European Union countries! A little surprise will be included for you as well!

  • EUR 65.-4 prises

    Signed CD Worldwide Delivery

    Signed CD
    You will get our ’’La Femme’’ CD signed and delivered to you, wherever you are! A little surprise will be sent to you as well.

  • EUR 100.-19 prises

    Ticket + CD

    Ticket + CD
    By pre-purchasing your ticket now, means you will get a nice seat reserved at one of our future performances of your choice! Take this offer now and receive our signed CD included!

  • EUR 280.-5 prises

    2X VIP Tickets

    By purchasing the 2X VIP Tickets, means you will get a special seats at our concert on 28.01.2022 in Vienna, two glasses of Champagne and of course two CD copies signed.

  • EUR 380.-1 prise

    2X VIP Tickets +Party

    By purchasing the 2X VIP Tickets, means that you will get special seats at our concert on 28.01.2022 in Vienna, two glasses of Champagne at the concert, two CD copies signed from us and an after party with the crew.

  • EUR 700.-0 prise

    CD, Concert, Comp. marketing

    If you are a company and you would like to support this project with 700.- Euro, we would love to offer you two Concert tickets, two glasses of Champagne at the concert, two signed CDs and we would mention the name of your company at every post on Social Media.

  • EUR 1.300.-1 prise

    CD, Concert plus Logo

    If you are a company and you would like to support this project with 1300.- Euros, we would put the Logo of your company on the poster and invitations of the concert and we would love to offer you two Concert tickets, two glasses of Champagne at the concert, two signed CDs and we would mention the name of your company at every post on Social Media.

  • EUR 4.500.-0 prise

    Private Performance

    If you like to surprise your loved ones or create a special moment to your Event or Private Party, we (A singer and 3 Orchestra members) would perform a set of 30 minutes with a most special repertoire chosen only for this special night. (travel, technical support and accommodation not included)

  • EUR 7.000.-0 prise

    Full Performance

    If you are looking for a special Live Performance for your Event, Festival or Concert Series, we, together with the orchestra members (6 musicians and a singer) would give a full performance anywhere in the world for you! ( travel, technical support and accommodation not included)

  • EUR 11.000.-0 prise

    FULL Performance & Orchestra

    If you are looking for a special Live Performance for your Event, Festival or Concert Series, we, together with the orchestra members (11 musicians, singer and conductor) would give a full performance anywhere in the world for you! ( travel, technical support and accommodation not included)