Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützen

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 10.-2 / 20 vergeben

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    You will receive a surprised mail :)

  • CHF 20.-16 / 20 vergeben

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    You will receive one postcard from mexico with the mark of my lips, n°37 «L’Exubérante» by Chanel, in the back and my signature.

  • CHF 50.-9 / 20 vergeben

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    You will receive one photography of one shoot from the movie, size postcard, color. limited edition of 10.

  • CHF 50.-1 / 20 vergeben

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    You will receive one photography of one shoot from the movie, size postcard, black and white, limited edition of 10.

  • CHF 100.-2 / 2 vergeben

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    You will receive one t-shirt of the Legionarios motorcycle gang, size M or L, color black, different prints.

  • CHF 100.-10 / 20 vergeben

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    You will receive one serigraphy of the «last cavaleros» on reflect paper (holographic style), black ink, 70/95 cm, edition limited of 25.

  • CHF 200.-2 / 2 vergeben

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    You will receive a serigraphy of the «Last Cavaleros» on reflect paper (holographic style), black ink, 70/95 cm, edition limited of 25
    & one t-shirt of the legionarios motorcycle gang, size M or L, color black, different prints.

  • CHF 500.-2 / 6 vergeben

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    You will receive one flag from the movie, six differents colors. they are in silk, and dye by the natural ancestral regional technics from oaxaca with plants, stones, and insects called the cochinilla.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 / 4 vergeben

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    You will receive a special request-unique flag, with text, size, and color of your choice + surprise

  • CHF 1’500.-1 / 3 vergeben

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    You will receive a drawing in white pastel and black mat pencil on Japanese paper «Awagami Mingeishi», 97 x 63 cm, 2014

  • CHF 3’000.-0 / 1 vergeben

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    You will receive a special piece, a large drawing of my new serie in Mexico city, contact me by email, to know more.