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You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 100.-9 taken

    1 ton of CO2 avoided

    You have helped us avoid 1 ton of CO2

    Each ton of food waste in the landfill emits methane to the CO2 equivalent of 1 ton (to be precise 930kg). By helping us divert 1 ton of food waste, you have avoided 1 ton of CO2.

    Mother earth say thank you

  • CHF 200.-6 taken

    2 tons of CO2 avoided

    You have helped us avoid 2 tons of CO2

    Each ton of food waste in the landfill emits methane to the CO2 equivalent of 1 ton. By helping us divert 2 tons of food waste, you have avoided 2 tons of CO2.

    We will send you a fun certificate congratulating and thanking you for this reduction !

    Mother earth says thank you.

  • CHF 660.-2 taken

    CO2 avoided for one person

    You have helped us avoid 6.6 tons of CO2

    Each ton of food waste in the landfill emits methane to the CO2 equivalent of 1 ton. By helping us divert 6.6 tons of food waste, you have avoided 6.6 tons of CO2 or the average you should reduce your carbon footprint per year if we are to stay in the climate boundaries.

    We will send you a fun T-shirt certificate or a tea cup congratulating and thanking you for this reduction !

    Mother earth says thank you.

  • CHF 1’320.-0 taken

    CO2 avoided for two people

    You have helped us avoid 13.2 tons of CO2

    Each ton of food waste in the landfill emits methane to the CO2 equivalent of 1 ton. By helping us divert 13.2 tons of food waste, you have avoided 13.2 tons of CO2 or the average you and your partner should reduce your carbon footprint per year if we are to stay in the climate boundaries.

    We will send you 2 fun T-shirt certificate or 2 cups to congratulating and thanking you for this reduction !

    We will also send you an annual video report of the progress we are making .

    Mother earth say thank you.

  • CHF 2’640.-0 taken

    CO2 avoidance of a family

    You have helped us avoid 26.4 tons of CO2

    Each ton of food waste in the landfill emits methane to the CO2 equivalent of 1 ton. By helping us divert 26.4 tons of food waste, you have avoided 26.4 tons of CO2 or the average a family of four should reduce their carbon footprint per year if we are to stay in the climate boundaries.

    We will send you 4 fun T-shirt certificate or cups to congratulating and thanking you for this reduction !

    We will also send you an annual video report of the progress we are making,
    and if you come to this side of the world, you will be welcome for one week at our home in Davao and see how our little fly heroes do their work.

    Mother earth say thank you.