Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartieä

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contributionä

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 20.-0 prise


    Find out about the effects of our beer: You get a thank-you email with a picture of our group before and after degustation =)

  • CHF 30.-0 / 30 prise


    We want to show you that we appreciate your support.
    You get a personal thank–you card from the beer producers, including picture of the group and a sticker with the Space Beer Logo.

  • CHF 100.-0 / 25 prise


    You will receive a T-shirt with the logo of the Space Beer in your size (S, M or L). Many thanks for your support!

  • CHF 180.-0 / 20 prise


    Find out how our beer tastes: Get a six-pack of Luzerner Space Beer delivered to your house (delivery only within Switzerland).
    A huge thank you for your contribution!