Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without reward

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 10.-1 taken


    Your name will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on our website.

  • CHF 40.-5 taken


    We will send you a postcard from Dakar, signed and illustrated by people who participated in the project. In addition, your name will appear in the acknowledgments on our website.

  • CHF 80.-16 taken


    You will receive a Menuisier Surfboards t-shirt or tank top (in your size) from Dakar, with moreover your name appearing in the acknowledgments on our website.

  • CHF 120.-6 taken


    You are not in need of a new surfboard, but you still would like to possess a wooden board from Senegal. Here you will get a 1:10 model of a Menuisier surfboards. Moreover, your name will be mentioned in the acknowledgments on our website.

  • CHF 150.-8 / 10 taken


    Du findest es toll, dass locals das Surfen ermöglicht wird und magst jemandem ein MenuisierSurfboard sponsern. Dein Geld fliesst in die Produktion eines Surfboards und wird dann einem jungen lokalen MenuisierRider zugelost. Die Bretter sind noch in Entwicklung, deshalb kann es eine weile Dauern, bis dein gesponsortes Brett seinen Besitzer findet!
    Das Brett bekommt eine Widmung von dir und du bekommst auf jeden fall ein Foto, evtl Video, mit Nachricht vom hoffentlich überglücklichen neuen Besitzer mit seinem neuen MenuisierSurfboard.

  • CHF 180.-4 taken


    You’ll get a print on spruce wood from an image of the project in the size 50x30 cm including mounting system, description and signature. After the campain you’ll get to choose the subject of the print and we’ll send it to you. In addition to that, your name will be mentioned in the acknowledgements on our website.

  • CHF 800.-0 / 2 taken



  • CHF 1’600.-1 / 4 taken


    Do you also want to have it? Do you want your name carved in the tail of your surfboard? Including a dedication from part of the carpenter who will produce the surfboard? At the moment, this actually presents the only possibility to acquire a Menuisier surfboard, unless you travel to Senegal on your own. Unfortunately distribution is possible in Switzerland only. In addition to that, your name will be mentioned in the acknowledgements on our website.

  • CHF 6’000.-0 / 1 taken


    Dude, you have a lot and thus do not need anything, but you still find the project awesome and would like to fully finance it out of your own wetsuit? We are endlessly stoked! For this, you will get a perma-grin!