Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 10.-5 prises

    Post from Vienna

    Thank you for believing in us! You will get «Monsters of Vienna» postcard and stickers, designed and sent with love by us from Vienna!

  • EUR 15.-17 prises

    Invitation to the Release

    Thank you for believing in us! Along with stickers and a postcard, you will receive a personal invitation to the game release party in Vienna!

  • EUR 30.-37 prises

    Early Access

    Be one of the first to try our game! You will get exclusive access to the Monster Hunt Vienna app and all the story packs before it is released. Also you will be invited to the release party and get a personal postcard from us with Monster Hunt Stickers.

  • EUR 60.-24 prises

    Analog Games Bundle

    You will get not only early access to our Monster Hunt app but also the full set of our analog urban games for Vienna, together with «Wie schön wäre Wien ohne Monster» sticker sheet. Perfect for a digital-detox-weekend in Vienna full of on-location urban discovery!

  • EUR 120.-14 prises

    City Discovery Kit

    As well as receiving exclusive access to our app and the full set of our analog games, you will also get the pro equipment for Monster Hunting: a monocular to watch the city, a water flask to increase your stamina, and a fabric bag so that your equipment is always with you.

  • EUR 300.-2 prises

    Game Session in Vienna

    You will get: Early Access to the game before the official release, all three of our analog games, Monster Hunt sticker set, and a city discovery kit.

    Additionally we will play one of our games with you and 5 people of your choice. Tamer, founder of City Games and experienced Monster Hunter, will accompany you while you play, to support you with tips and give insights into our creations. Relaxed game talk with Wiener Melange and Sachertorte afterwards in our studio.

    Location: Vienna, duration 3 hours, appointment to be arranged personally.

  • EUR 1.200.-1 / 5 prise

    Friend of the Studio

    You will become a part of our Monster Hunt Vienna app!

    We will host an all-day-long brainstorming and location-scouting session with you to exchange Monster ideas and select on to your liking. Then, we will design riddles and illustrations, along with a story where you take part as a game character! This way, you will live forever in our game!

  • EUR 6.000.-0 / 3 prise

    Custom Story Pack for Vienna

    A Viennese Story Pack according to your wishes! For your museum? Your company? No problem! We will design together with you a custom story with 6 Viennese Monsters on a theme you choose. Your Story Pack will be published in the Monster Hunt Vienna app, free to play for everyone.

  • EUR 20.000.-0 / 1 prise

    Monster Hunt for your City

    Have you noticed that your fellow citizens are getting grumpier and grumpier? Yes, that's right, definitely Monsters!

    Find the right sponsor, and we will come to your city, scout it with you, select suitable Monsters and develop your Monster Hunt «City of your Choice» app. Zürich, Basel, Istanbul, Tokyo? Brace yourself, Monsters, we are coming!
    (Travel and accommodation costs included within Europe).