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Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 40.-0 taken
Jeder der was spendet bekommt, ein persönliche Dankespräsent:). Aber man musste eine Zahl einfügen.Lass dich überraschen:). + Mitwirkungsdiplom🐕🦺🐾🔖.
CHF 40.-
CHF 60.-0 taken
CHF 60.-
CHF 100.-0 taken
CHF 100.-
CHF 150.-0 taken
CHF 150.-
CHF 200.-0 taken
CHF 200.-
CHF 250.-0 taken
CHF 250.-
CHF 300.-0 taken
CHF 300.-
CHF 500.-0 taken
CHF 500.-