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Ohne Belohnung unterstützen

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 10.-5 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    You get a digital version of TERRAMORPHER, with all digital artwork and special digital gift, sent to you at official release date.

  • CHF 17.-6 / 20 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    You get a NAKARUGA exclusive t-shirt (girlie version available).

  • CHF 20.-13 / 50 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    You get one of the only 200 TERRAMORPHER printed copies, numbered, with beautiful artwork, all songs concepts, and a special gift (shipment included worldwide).

  • CHF 30.-3 / 40 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    You get one of the only 200 TERRAMORPHER printed copies, numbered, with beautiful artwork, all songs concepts, and a special gift. All of this, sent 2 weeks before official online release (shipment included worldwide).

  • CHF 50.-15 / 20 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    You get... 1 of the only 200 TERRAMORPHER printed copies
    + 1 printed copy of NAKARUGA self-titled EP (super rare!)
    + All signed by the band
    + 1 NAKARUGA exclusive t-shirt
    + 2 weeks early release benefit
    (shipment included worldwide).

  • CHF 60.-10 / 10 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    You get... 1 of the only 200 TERRAMORPHER printed copies
    + 1 printed copy of NAKARUGA self-titled EP (super rare!)
    + All signed by the band
    + 1 NAKARUGA exclusive t-shirt
    + 2 weeks early release benefit
    + YOUR NAME IN THE ARTWORK (also in printed versions)
    (shipment included worldwide).

  • CHF 100.-0 / 5 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    you get...
    The whole ULTRON PACK
    + PHONE CALL / SKYPE call with the whole band members to exchange feedback and have your ideas for our future work, that may influence our musical direction

  • CHF 200.-2 / 2 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    You get... Nakaruga ULTRON PACK,
    + Nakaruga are going to co-develop a track with you, turning YOUR concept into lyrics, as well as the track title. You are going to be mentioned as co-developer.

  • CHF 400.-1 / 1 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    you get....
    IMMEDIATE digital album release (available from April 15th), + IMMEDIATE send out of TERRAMORPHER ULTRON PACK as soon as out of print
    + PHONE CALL / SKYPE call with the band members to exchange feedback and have your ideas for our future work.