Nakaruga is a Cyberpunk/Industrial/Sci-Fi/ Djent/Futuristic Metal band from Switzerland.
Nakaruga reaches from Switzerland and was formed in 2006. The band released an un-titled EP in 2008, and it is preparing to release its first LP «Terramorpher».
Nakaruga’s music has a predominantly «groovy» attitude, with significant addition of electronics and synthesizers. Besides its six main constituents, Nakaruga is a community that fosters co-creation, allowing anybody on the planet to actively participate in any stage of development (e.g. design, conceptualisation, lyrics, sound, etc.).
The concepts Nakaruga works around are mainly metaphors, examples and facts involving the field of applied social psychology, with the intent to raise collective conscience and foster behavior towards possible resolutions.

Who we are
From left to right:
- Maurizio Veri - Bass
- Lukas Zdrazil - Guitar
- Giancarlo Licci - Drums
- Marco Romero – Voice
- Patrick Zulian - Guitar
- Yan Hirschbuehl - Programming
Why we need your support
We would like to give our friends and supporters the chance of pre-ordering a hard-copy, limited to 200 units, of our new album «Terramorpher», with the benefit of an additional gift and 1 month early release advantage (on May 4th).
«Terramorpher» was composed within the past 4 years and encompasses tracks which explore a wide conceptual range delivering a varied and modern sound experience. The programming, as well as the design has been realized by Yan Hirschbuehl, in art «Hadron» / «Jon Deerhill».
We would like to thank everybody in the Nakaruga community who has been parto of the development with musical, conceptual and any other form of contribution.

Why you should help us
The realization of these hard-copy limited edition has the only purpose of giving our friends and supporters something phisically tangible, a modern piece of art, and a symbol of having supported the Nakaruga community.
Most importantly, Nakaruga pro-actively carries a message of human progress and development, which is expressed through various concepts across the whole spectrum of songs.
Thank you, and hope to meet you on a live show soon!