Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 10.-0 / 20 taken
You will receive a personalized electronic THANK YOU CARD and a special advice for your freetime in Ticino or Zürich.
CHF 20.-0 / 20 taken
You will receive a personalized electronic THANK YOU CARD and a special program for a week-end in Ticino or Zürich.
CHF 50.-1 / 10 taken
You will receive a personalized THANK YOU CARD by post and a special gadget ideated by!
CHF 100.-0 / 10 taken
You will receive a personalized THANK YOU CARD by post with a special idea for your next visit in Ticino (offered by us)... ideated just for you. For example a free entry to a park, or a drink for an Aperitivo.
CHF 200.-0 / 5 taken
You will receive a personalized THANK YOU CARD by post with a special idea for your next visit in Ticino. We will prepare also a box with 50 ideas you can pick to organize your time here in Ticino! The box is also a great gift for your friends and family.
CHF 1’000.-0 / 1 taken
You will receive a personalized THANK YOU CARD by post with a special idea for your next visit in Ticino! Furthermore we will organized your special week-end here in Ticino! We will organize your stay and offer you a great Lunch with us just to say AGAIN THANK YOU!