Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensa

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progetto

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • EUR 10.-0 prese


    + You receive a code to download our brand new album by email exclusively (!) before the official release date on October 11, 2019
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 18.-11 prese


    + You receive a signed CD of our brand new album exclusively (!) before the official release date on October 11, 2019 (shipping within Europe)
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 25.-3 prese


    + You receive a Noyoco T-Shirt exclusively (!) before the official album release on October 11, 2019 (shipping within Europe)
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 28.-3 prese

    LP SIGNED (+download code)

    + You receive a signed LP (incl. download code) of our brand new album exclusively (!) before the official release date on October 11, 2019 (shipping within Europe)
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 35.-6 / 20 prese

    CD SIGNED+T-SHIRT (early)

    + You receive a signed CD of our brand new album
    + A Noyoco T-Shirt exclusively (!) before the official release date on October 11, 2019 (shipping within Europe)
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 45.-2 / 20 prese

    LP SIGNED+T-SHIRT (early)

    + You receive a signed LP (incl. download code) of our brand new album
    + A Noyoco T-Shirt exclusively (!) before the official release date on October 11, 2019 (shipping within Europe)
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 60.-0 / 20 prese

    MERCH DELUXE (early)

    + You receive a signed LP (incl. download code) of our brand new album
    + A signed CD of our brand new album
    + A Noyoco T-Shirt exclusively (!) before the official release date on October 11, 2019 (shipping within Europe)
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 75.-2 / 3 prese


    + Enjoy a drum lesson (60min) with Theresa (studied jazz singer) in her teaching space in Salzburg, where you get to know your voice better
    + A signed merch - LP or CD or T-Shirt - of your choice
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 75.-3 / 5 prese


    + Enjoy a drum lesson (60min) in Robert's teaching space in Salzburg, where you get to know the drums better and jam hard with him
    + A signed merch - LP or CD or T-Shirt - of your choice
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 90.-1 / 3 presa


    + You get 2 tickets for our album release show in Salzburg
    + Visit it us with your company for a drink after the show backstage
    + A signed merch - LP or CD or T-Shirt - or your choice
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 140.-1 / 2 presa


    + We cook for you and up to 3 of your friends in our home in Salzburg
    + An exclusive (!) listening session of the complete album before the official release on our couch
    + For each a signed CD of our brand new album
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 200.-1 / 2 presa


    + We cook for you and up to 3 of your friends in our home in Salzburg
    + An exclusive (!) small headphone live session in our home studio
    + For each a signed CD of our brand new album
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 500.-0 / 2 prese


    + We play for you and your friends in your living room an exclusive 30-minute unplugged concert with some songs from the album. Your big chance to enjoy our music with your friends!
    (within 100km of Salzburg city transport costs included)
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!

  • EUR 900.-1 / 2 presa


    + We play for you and your friends at your home (living room, garden, garage, etc.) a private concert (about 50min) of all our songs from the album with everything that goes with it (instruments, sound system, light)! Your big chance to enjoy our album in advance in your private circle!
    + One song as free download at the end of this campaign!
    (Within 100km of Salzburg city transport costs included)