Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensa

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progetto

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • EUR 10.-3 prese


    You get a personalized thank you e-mail from us!

  • EUR 20.-1 presa


    You get a poster from «Oh Pamela»

  • EUR 40.-2 prese


    We’ll send you a signed thank you card + a photo as a poster.

  • EUR 50.-0 prese


    You get the first issue of «Oh Pamela Magazine!»

  • EUR 80.-0 prese


    You get a dirty postcard from sexy Pamela! ... and the first issue of our magazine!

  • EUR 100.-0 prese


    We will send you a signed thank you card + a hand selected photograph + the first issue of «Oh Pamela Magazine».

  • EUR 150.-1 presa


    Woah! Let yourself be surprised!
    We’re giving you a mystery gift!

  • EUR 250.-0 prese


    You surprise us!
    Give us a theme and we’ll make a photo for you which you will receive as a poster.

  • EUR 300.-0 prese


    Lifelong subscription!
    You will receive this issue and every further issue of «Oh Pamela Magazine».

  • EUR 500.-0 / 5 prese


    Hurray! Exclusive invitation for two for drink with us at Venus Flytrap Gallery in Berlin Neukölln + a Polaroid of you in the gallery as a memory + your own copy of «Oh Pamela Magazine»!

  • EUR 1.000.-0 / 3 prese


    Yippieyeah! Private photo shoot with Jasmin and Sheila in Berlin for 3 hours (minimum 10 digital photos and 5 prints)
    +your name will be mentioned in the credits in «Oh Pamela Magazine»
    +secure your copy of «Oh Pamela Magazine» before it hits the stores!

  • EUR 2.500.-0 / 1 prese


    WOW! You get two photo sessions with us in Berlin! One for you and one for your lover, grandmother or somebody you want to surprise!
    Of course your name will be mentioned in the credits in «Oh Pamela Magazine» and you will receive a copy of the first issue before everyone else!