Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.
Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.
Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n
CHF 25.-0 vergeben
Thank you for your support. The director will send you a thank-you email.
CHF 25.-
CHF 50.-2 vergeben
You will receive an HD photo from the shoot along with the director's thank-you message.
CHF 50.-
CHF 150.-0 vergeben
You will receive a printed copy of the shooting script, signed by the director.
CHF 150.-
CHF 250.-3 vergeben
A VIP invitation for one person to the Swiss premiere of the film.
CHF 250.-
CHF 500.-0 vergeben
60 minutes of online conversation with the director to discuss the film.
CHF 500.-
CHF 750.-0 vergeben
A printed copy of the film poster, signed by the artistic team.
CHF 750.-
CHF 1’000.-1 vergeben
Your name and surname, or company, mentioned in the «Acknowledgments» section of the film credits.
CHF 1’000.-
CHF 2’500.-0 vergeben
180 minutes of a «masterclass» in person or online with the director on the filmmaking process.
CHF 2’500.-
CHF 5’000.-0 vergeben
You become an associated co-producer of the film, with your name and surname, or company, listed under «Co-production» in the film credits.
CHF 5’000.-