Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.
Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.
Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau
CHF 25.-15 prises
First of all, a virtual hug and big thank you for showing your support. With 25 CHF we can help someone breathe for 5 days. We will mail you the final report and update on the progress of the plant.
CHF 50.-28 prises
First of all, a virtual hug and big thank you for showing your support. With 50 CHF we can help two people breathe for 5 days. We will mail you the final report and update on the progress of the plant.
CHF 100.-32 prises
First of all, a virtual hug and big thank you for showing your support. You will be supporting the cost of the full recovery of one patient in need of oxygen. We will mail you the final report and update on the progress of the plant.
CHF 200.-9 prises
First of all, a virtual hug and big thank you for showing your support. Be the part of the team in spreading more positives and help to people. We invite you to be part of the change you want to see. We will mail you the final report and update on the progress of the plant.
CHF 500.-6 prises
First of all, a virtual hug and big thank you for showing your support. We will be glad to host you for Zoom meeting with our team from Nepal and Switzerland. And answer your questions and let you know more about the work. We will mail you the final report and update on the progress of the plant.
CHF 1’000.-2 prises
First of all, a virtual hug and big thank you for showing your support. As your generous support, we will be hosting you for a Nepali dinner and will let you know more about our projects and the work in Nepal. We will mail you the final report and update on the progress of the plant.