Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 10.-0 prise

    Community Gratitude Email

    Receive a heartfelt thank-you from the local community, along with a personalized email expressing our eternal gratitude for your support.

    CHF 10.-

  • CHF 30.-0 prise

    Community Impact Video

    Receive a heartfelt short video message from the local community, sharing how your contribution will impact their lives and bring positive change.

    CHF 30.-

  • CHF 50.-0 prise

    Commemorative Plaque

    Have your name proudly displayed on the Wall of Fame at the facility, alongside other generous benefactors and companies who helped make this project a reality.

    CHF 50.-

  • CHF 100.-0 prise

    G.O.A.T package

    Your name will be featured on a commemorative plaque at the facility, highlighted on our social media channels, and you'll receive a personalized video message from the local community thanking you for your support!

    CHF 100.-