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2new projects close to Briga-Glis in agriculture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Briga-Glis. But this may be of interest to you.
Vous aimez la Grand'Vy?

Food, agriculture, and Tourism

La Grande Béroche

Vous aimez la Grand'Vy?

by Favre Benoît

Ce projet vise à venir soutenir les tenanciers de la Grand'vy qui peinent à maintenir à flots ce trésor de notre patrimoine neuchâtelois depuis les années COVID.

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40 days to go
Lets fight Climate change

Agriculture, Community, and Environment

Davao City

Be part of the solution: Fight Climate Change Today! Upcycling food waste into hope for a sustainable future.