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2new projects close to Saint-Ursanne in photography

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Saint-Ursanne. But this may be of interest to you.
Buchprojekt GEORG RAUH

Photography, Publishing, and Architecture

St. Gallen

Buchprojekt GEORG RAUH

by Christine Egli & Dorothy Holt Wacker

Der Nachlass des Schweizer Bauhaus Architekten Georg Rauh wird aufgearbeitet und anhand einer Monografie dokumentiert. Schlüsselwerke werden porträtiert und Themen seines Schaffens textlich erörtert.

10 %
CHF 3’215
46 days to go
Report: Ásatrú

Exhibition, Photography, and Journalism

Reykjavík and Lausanne

Report: Ásatrú

by L'Oeil d'Anouk

Goal: Exhibition. To complete my series of portraits and testimonies of Icelanders who identify with this neo-pagan spirituality and to document rituals or ceremonies.