Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 15.-0 taken

    3 Artworks From My Portfolioä

    As a reward, I will digitally transfer 3 (Three) images available on my portfolio.

  • EUR 35.-0 / 25 taken

    Signed Bookä

    As a reward, I will send a signed book with desired sentences hand written on the book.

  • EUR 250.-0 / 75 taken

    «Special Thanks To»ä

    As a reward, I will place the name of backer/backers on the last page of my book's «Special Thanks To» section.
    Whether I achieve the amount that I am asking for, this reward will be available until the closing date of my project's deadline.