Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 5.-0 taken


    Your name will be displayed as supporter at each of these exhibitions.

  • EUR 50.-2 taken


    Your name will be displayed as supporter at each of these exhibitions (unless anonymity is requested). You will receive a personal invitation to the exhibition nearest you and an illustrated signed catalogue from the Berlin show.

  • EUR 100.-0 taken


    Your name will be displayed as supporter at each of these exhibitions (unless anonymity is requested). You will receive a personal invitation to the exhibition nearest you, an illustrated signed poster and catalogue from the Berlin show and five different postcards of my Berlin or Swiss paintings.

  • EUR 200.-2 taken


    Your name will be displayed as supporter at each of these exhibitions (unless anonymity is requested). You will receive a personal invitation to the exhibition nearest you, an illustrated signed catalogue from the Berlin show, as well as a signed copy of the book plus a poster.

  • EUR 400.-1 taken


    The names of the supporters will be displayed at each of these exhibitions (unless anonymity is requested). You receive a personal invitation to the exhibition nearest you, a signed catalogue from the Berlin show, a signed copy of the book plus a poster, and a small watercolour of my choice.

  • EUR 1.000.-0 taken


    Your name will be displayed as supporter at each of these exhibitions (unless anonymity is requested). You receive a personal invitation to the exhibition nearest you, a signed catalogue from the Berlin show, a signed copy of the book plus a poster, and a larger work.

  • EUR 1.500.-1 taken


    Your name will be displayed as supporter at each of these exhibitions (unless anonymity is requested). You receive a personal invitation to the exhibition nearest you, a signed catalogue from the Berlin show, a signed copy of the book plus a poster, and a larger work or a commission.