Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 10.-7 taken


    You will receive one of the beautiful postcard sized photos of the project.

  • CHF 20.-10 taken


    You will receive one of the beautiful picture from the project in A4 size.

  • CHF 60.-10 taken


    You will receive one of the beautiful picture of the project in A4 size signed by the team and fairtrade cirqu’en choc chocolate.

  • CHF 100.-10 taken


    You will receive one of the beautiful picture of the project in A3 size signed by the team and fairtrade cirqu’en choc chocolate.

  • CHF 200.-14 taken


    You will receive one of the beautiful picture of the project in A3 size signed by the team, fairtrade cirqu’en choc chocolate and a dvd of the show.

  • CHF 400.-3 / 20 taken


    You will receive one of the beautiful picture of the project in A3 size signed by the team, fairtrade cirqu’en choc chocolate, a dvd of the show and an invitation to one rehersal followed by a snack with the artists.

  • CHF 800.-3 / 10 taken


    You will receive an A3 sized picture of the project signed by the team, fairtrade cirqu’en choc chocolate, the dvd of the show and a VIP invitation to the Premiere with a dining apéritif.

  • CHF 1’500.-3 / 10 taken


    You will receive an A3 sized picture of the project signed by the team, fairtrade cirqu’en choc chocolate, the dvd of the show, a VIP invitation to the Premiere with a dining apéritif and a half day circus initation with at least one of the artists of the show.