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7346successful projects close to Snow Hill

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Snow Hill. But this may be of interest to you.
from bourg to burg



from bourg to burg

by Visarte Fribourg

With a few clicks you can support 9 Visarte Fribourg artists who are invited to the US to exhibit at the Spartanburg Art Museum and also to participate to an exchange to Spartanburg.

138 %
CHF 5’520
45 backers
Chroniques de la côte Est

Photography, Journalism, and Literature

Washington and Snow Hill

Transmettre les émotions d’un périple aux États-Unis, pour découvrir ce qui fait le coeur de cette société, quelles sont les différences avec notre propre situation et ce que l’on peut en apprendre.

103 %
CHF 1’030
17 backers
NYC Marathon: Run for Good

Community, Sport, and Education

New York

NYC Marathon: Run for Good

by Sunnie Groeneveld

On Nov 3, 2024 I am running ∼52’400 steps (=42km) across NYC for the New York Marathon: Help me raise at least 5 cents for each step I take to benefit causes that support young people’s education.

229 %
CHF 6’010
23 backers
NYC Marathon: Run for Good

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport

New York

NYC Marathon: Run for Good

by Sunnie Groeneveld

On November 5, 2023 I am running the New York Marathon: My goal is to raise at least CHF 100 for each kilometer that I run across New York to benefit causes that support children and their education.

115 %
CHF 4’855
38 backers
Jazz Piano in New York

Music and Art

New York

Jazz Piano in New York

by Amanda Kiefer

Ich wurde an einer der renommiertesten Schulen in den USA aufgenommen: Manhattan School of Music in New York. Ich dankbar für deine finanzielle Unterstützung, um die Studiengebühren zu begleichen.

118 %
CHF 9’456
37 backers
MixieMixie – Videoprojekt


New York

In meinem neuen Song «MixieMixie» singe ich von der Vermischung der Kulturen. Dazu möchte ich in der pulsierenden Multikulti-Metropole New York City ein Video drehen.

100 %
CHF 4’501
16 backers
Giovanni Lo Presti NewYorkFW

Fashion, Design, and Art

New York

Giovanni Lo Presti NewYorkFW

by Giovanni Lo Presti

Après de long mois de dur labeur,j’ai réussi à décrocher une place pour la mythique Fashion Week à New York en septembre, je vais donc fièrement représenter la Suisse et pour cela j’ai besoin de vous.

134 %
CHF 3’350
29 backers
Gospel Choir in New York

Music and Festival

New York

The Swiss gospel choir SwissGospelSingers have been invited to perform on the stage of the world famous Carnegie Hall in New York! To help us achieve this great endeavour we need your support.

110 %
CHF 44’251
247 backers
Eternal Face


New York

Eternal Face

by Pilot on mars

Heureux du succès d’estime avec son 1er album; Orchard st 164
Pilot on mars retrouvera le studio de Matt Verta Ray &Rocio; Prince de l'underground New-yorkais avec ETERNAL FACE.

101 %
CHF 6’115
23 backers
Emma´s Bliss

Community and Performing Arts

New York

Emma´s Bliss

by YarinaGurtner

Diese österreichische Musiktheaterproduktion wurde in New York ausgesucht, am Midtown International Theatre Festival teilzunehmen. Yarina Gurtner vertritt Österreich als Protagonistin und Produzentin.

116 %
EUR 2’900
46 backers
Geduldig & Thimann


Vienna and New York

Geduldig & Thimann

by Schallter

We plan to issue «a haymish groove», the legendary album of Geduldig & Thimann, a milestone in the history of Jewish music in Austria and also internationally, for the first time ever on vinyl.

107 %
EUR 5’360
38 backers

Performing Arts

Vevey, Lausanne, and New York


by Cie Kaleidos

Swing! is a contemporary performance exploring the echoes between Iran and the United States through an atomic poetical evocation.