Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 12.-0 taken

    Superar posterä

    You will receive a Superar concert poster.

  • EUR 20.-8 taken


    You will get the DVD of our anniversary concert.

  • EUR 80.-4 taken

    Tickets summer concerts MuThä

    You are cordially invited to one of our Superar summer concerts in June 2020 at the MuTh and get 4 tickets.
    The Superar children will give you your personal DVD after this concert.

  • EUR 100.-2 / 5 taken

    Concert ticketsä

    Be there live! You will receive 2 tickets in the best category for the anniversary concert on 17.02.2020 at the Wiener Konzerthaus.

  • EUR 150.-0 / 2 taken

    Concert tickets + receptionä

    You will receive 2 tickets in the best category for the anniversary concert on 17.02.2020 at the Wiener Konzerthaus. You are in the live recording and can join us at the VIP reception afterwards.

  • EUR 1.000.-1 / 2 taken

    Your desired piece of musicä

    We play your favorite piece at the Superar annual concert in March 2021 at the Wiener Konzerthaus!
    You will also receive 4 tickets for this concert.

  • EUR 3.000.-0 / 2 taken


    You become our sponsor and make a significant contribution to making this project a success.
    As a thank you, you will receive 4 tickets for the anniversary concert on 17.02.2020 including the VIP reception and will be mentioned by name in the credits of our DVD.
    Of course you can also get DVDs, depending on your wishes.