Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 5.-2 taken
Thank you so much for your support!
CHF 15.-2 taken
You’ll get the screenplay in PDF format.
CHF 20.-6 taken
Your name will be listed in the closing credits under «Thanks».
CHF 25.-11 taken
You’ll get the finished film as a digital download. PLUS the screenplay in PDF format.
CHF 35.-6 taken
You’ll get a film poster (A3) and a set of postcards. PLUS the film as a digital download and the screenplay in PDF format.
CHF 55.-24 taken
Your name will be listed in the closing credits under «Thanks». PLUS the film as a digital download, a poster (A3), a set of postcards and the PDF screenplay.
CHF 100.-27 taken
Invitation to the VIP-only advance screening event. PLUS the film as digital download, a poster (A3), a set of postcards and the PDF screenplay.
CHF 250.-3 taken
Your name will be listed in the closing credits under «Special Thanks» (also listed on, PLUS an invitation to the VIP advance screening event, the film as digital download, a poster (A3), a set of postcards and the PDF screenplay.
CHF 500.-2 / 5 taken
You will be listed as «Associate Producer» in the closing credits (also listed on, PLUS an invitation to the VIP advance screening event, the film as digital download, a poster (A3), a set of postcards and the PDF screenplay.
CHF 1’000.-0 / 3 taken
You will be listed as «Executive Producer» in the opening credits (also listed on the poster and on, PLUS an invitation to the VIP advance screening event, the film as digital download, a poster (A3), a set of postcards and the PDF screenplay.