Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 11.-30 prises

    Digital Download

    You will be among the first to hear each song cycle as it is finished in the form of a digital download sent directly to your email address.

  • EUR 24.-83 prises

    Signed CD

    You will receive a signed copy of the finished album in addition to the digital download.

  • EUR 39.-40 prises

    Dress like an Erlking

    Dress Like An Erlking: You’ll receive a brand new Erlkings t-shirt with one of our awesome album covers printed on organic, Fairtrade cotton. You’ll also receive the signed album and download code.

  • EUR 64.-9 prises

    Franz and Robert Full Set

    You will receive a copy of our first two Schubert albums AND a singed copy of the new Schumann album, all mailed to you inside a super cool Erlkings cotton Tote-Bag! You will also receive a digital download of the new album as soon as it's available.

  • EUR 99.-18 / 28 prises

    Sponsor A Song

    There will be 28 new Schumann arrangements and translations on this album and this is your chance to sponsor one in particular. You will receive your name in the booklet as the official sponsor of the song of your choice. You will also receive the album and download code.

  • EUR 149.-3 prises

    How To Be An Erlking

    You will receive a one hour private lesson from an Erlking of your choice (Either Bryan, Thomas, Ivan or Simon). Learn to be a clown, a singer, a tuba player or a Croatian. We'll teach you anything you want to know. You will also receive the album and download code.

  • EUR 499.-2 prises

    An Erlkings Arrangment

    Tired of waiting for us to arrange your favorite Schubert or Schumann song? You pick a song by either composer (5 minutes or less) and we will translate and arrange it Erlkings style just for you! You will also receive the album and download code.

  • EUR 999.-0 prise

    Erlking For A Day

    Spend an unforgettable day with the Erlkings for you and a friend, including a trip to the Schubert park, lunch and drinks on us, and finally a short private concert just for you in our rehearsal space. Only available in Vienna. You will also receive the album and download code.

  • EUR 2.999.-0 prise

    The Erlkings House Concert

    We will put on an intimate house concert for you and your guest. If not in Vienna, travel expense may apply. You will also receive the album and download code.

  • EUR 4.999.-0 prise

    The Erlkings Gala Concert

    We will put on a full length Erlkings concert for you at a location of your choice, including as much Schubert or Schumann as you’d like. If not in Vienna, travel expenses may apply. You will also receive the album and download code.

  • EUR 10.000.-0 / 1 prise

    Crazy as Schumann

    You will officially become our private benefactor and pretty much pay for the whole album. Please and thank you.