Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.
Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.
Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo
CHF 11.-0 prese
You will receive a THANK YOU selfie via Email!
CHF 22.-3 prese
You will receive a THANK YOU card signed by the soloists via mail!
CHF 33.-5 prese
You will receive a THANK YOU selfie via email as well as a seat reserved only for you at the show!
CHF 55.-5 prese
You will receive a glass of PROSECCO before as well as a seat reserved only for you at the show!
CHF 77.-2 prese
You will receive a glass of PROSECCO and a small GIFT before as well as a seat reserved only for you at the show!
CHF 155.-1 / 15 presa
We will MEET YOU for coffee or tea in the Toni-Areal as well as reserving a seat only for you at the show!
CHF 222.-3 / 15 prese
You are allowed to exclusively experience a REHEARSAL of The Impresario. After that we will go for a drink together and a seat will be reserved for you at the show!
CHF 333.-1 / 6 presa
You will get to enjoy a PRIVATE SINGING LESSON with one of the soloists and a seat will be reserved for you at the show!
CHF 444.-0 / 6 prese
We will invite you to an exclusive homemade DINNER with Ms. Silberklang and Ms. Herz. Certainly a seat will be reserved for you at the show!
CHF 1’777.-0 / 3 prese
Ms. Herz, Ms. Silberklang and Mr. Birdsong will come to your house and SING parts of The Impresario exclusively for you in your living room (or at an event of your choice)! (A piano must be available at the venue.)
CHF 5’555.-0 / 2 prese
We will turn your home into a stage and will PERFORM the complete Impresario at one of your events or just for your own pleasure! (A piano must be available at the venue.)