Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 15.-7 taken

    Film Streamingä

    You can stream and download the film (English version)

    EUR 15.-

  • EUR 50.-0 taken

    Personal conversationä

    Film streaming plus a personal, approx. 30-minute conversation (in German) with the makers of the film, about the background, dealing with the Ridgebacks (Jasmin) or the film (Christoph)

    EUR 50.-

  • EUR 75.-0 taken

    Filmcredits, supportingä

    Your name as a supporter in the film credits plus streaming and downloading of the film (English version)

    EUR 75.-

  • EUR 350.-2 taken

    Co-Producer/in & filmcreditsä

    film credits and coproducing
    Your name/company as coproducer of the film plus 3 DVDs and 5 official film posters (Din a 4) with your name plus streaming and downloading of the film (English version)

    EUR 350.-

  • EUR 480.-0 taken

    Performance rightsä

    You have the right to show the film 3 times in Germany/Switzerland/Austria with up to 50 participants plus 10 official film posters (DIN a 4) with your name/company, plus stream and download the (English version)

    EUR 480.-

  • EUR 2.500.-0 / 6 taken

    sponsor exclusiveä

    You are the main sponsor and exclusive supporter of the film. You have the right to use a three-minute excerpt from the film commercially for your company for three years; your name/logo will appear large in the credits, plus film streaming and download (English version).

    EUR 2’500.-