Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without reward

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 10.-5 taken


    I will send you a personal postcard and my favorite recipe of my grandmother.

  • EUR 20.-0 taken


    You find this topic interesting, but want to examine at close range before deciding for a «Wendetier». Then come to a rich Zwieri / aperitif to my home in the Bernese Lorraine. In a cozy-critical round we test the «Wendetiere». (Already on 27/08/2016 to Lorraine Chilbi!)

  • EUR 25.-6 / 50 taken


    You will receive an individual key chain made of high quality coat-whoolfelt-composite printed with one to three words of your choice. After the end of the campaign you choose if you want model Berta or model Franz. (Examples are shown in the photos bottom left.)

  • EUR 30.-5 / 100 taken


    You will receive two kitchen towels made of cotton, and printed with the german terms of the «Wendekuh» and the «Wendeschwein».

  • EUR 50.-0 taken


    I will send you the original templates of the «Wendekuh» and the «Wendeschwein» with german and englisch cuts and terms directly as PDF in your inbox. So you can make your own «Wendetiere» e.g. of paperboard, felt, foam rubber... for yourself, your friends and family.

  • EUR 65.-4 / 70 taken


    You will receive one «Wendeschwein» Hugo. After the end of the campaign you choose the language of the prints.

  • EUR 65.-14 / 70 taken


    You will receive one «Wendekuh» Ida. After the end of the campaign you choose the language of the prints.

  • EUR 115.-1 / 10 taken


    You will receive one «Wendeschwein» Franz, branded with unique serial number. After the end of the campaign you choose the language of the prints.

  • EUR 115.-4 / 10 taken


    You will receive one «Wendekuh» Berta, branded with unique serial number. After the end of the campaign you choose the language of the prints.

  • EUR 120.-4 / 17 taken


    You will receive one «Wendekuh» Ida and «Wendeschwein» Hugo in a double pack. After the end of the campaign you choose the language of the prints.

  • EUR 220.-5 / 10 taken


    You will receive one «Wendekuh» Berta and one «Wendeschwein» Franz in a double pack, branded with unique serial numbers. After the end of the campaign you choose the language of the prints.

  • EUR 260.-0 / 5 taken


    The whole package! You will receive two «Wendetiere»: one unique Berta and one unique Franz, two kitchen towels, printed with the «Wendekuh» and the «Wendeschwein», an individual key chain as cow or pig, printed with up too three words of your choice and one personal postcard with my favorite recipe of my grandmother.

  • EUR 300.-1 / 10 taken


    You and a friend are invited to a 4-course-Sunday-lunch. The meal will consist of specialities of my home Thuringia and be prepared by me and Olga, my grandmother. Besides, you will get the menu recipe and one «Wendetier» of your choice. After the end of the campaign you can choose if you want to take part on 13/11/2016 in Wallbach/Thüringen or on 20/11/2016 in Bern.

  • EUR 320.-0 / 3 taken


    The whole herd! You will receive all of the four different «Wendetiere»: Berta and Franz, each branded with unique serial number, and Ida and Hugo. After the end of the campaign you choose the language of the prints.

  • EUR 360.-0 / 3 taken


    Your very own «Wendetier»! I will brand one «Wendekuh» Berta or one «Wendeschwein» Franz in english or german with your sign/logo/name or up to three words of your choice. Besides you are invited to an aperitif at my home and for the personal handover of your animal.

  • EUR 390.-0 / 10 taken


    You are invited to a personal visit of the organic farm Niederried and the butcher shop Gygax in Emmental. You will see how animal welfare and biological rearing work. You are about to portioning the parts of the animal and learn among others which meat is distinguished for which dish. There is also an aperitif. Besides you will get one Wendetier of your choice! (Appointment upon agreement with all participants on a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday afternoon and evening in October).

  • EUR 750.-1 / 3 taken


    I invite you to a lunch with me in the Bernese Lorraine. And I will design for you a unique version of the «Wendekuh» or the «Wendeschwein» printed with a subject according to your ideas and imagination. Of course I will manufacture the animal for you and after completion deliver to your home.

  • EUR 1.000.-1 / 2 taken


    The slightly different birthday party. I will come for an afternoon to your home and arrange a mediation workshop on the topic «Today we eat a cow!» with the kids. We will tinker «Wendetiere», prepare a meat dish and eat together. I will leave one «Wendekuh» Ida and one «Wendeschwein» Hugo as a souvenir with you. (For up to 10 children; Please contact me regarding your residence and the date of the event before choosing this reward!)

  • EUR 3.000.-0 / 1 taken


    Your individual company excursion plus both «Wendetiere» branded with your company logo. You and your entire team, you are invited to visit the organic farm Niederried and the butcher shop Gygax in Emmental. You will see how animal welfare and biological rearing work. You are about to portioning the parts of the animal and learn among others which meat is distinguished for which dish. There is also an aperitif. Besides I will brand your company logo/sign/name or up to three words of your choice on the «Wendetiere» Berta and Franz. After completion they will be delivered to you (For up to 23 persons; Appointment upon agreement).