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Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 5.-12 taken

    Ball Pen

    A little Thank You with an elegant ball-pen with logo of Fondation GHF

  • CHF 30.-0 taken

    Signed CD

    Signed CD of Guardians Serena and Jared "The Stringbeanparty – More about Serena and Jared you may learn here:

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    On the Edge

    A fascinating autobiography by Giraffe-Heroes-International founder John Graham. German or original English.

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    Gesetz des Menschlichen

    Political Doomsday-Roman of Jakob Vedelsby:

  • CHF 35.-2 taken

    Dag Hammarskjöld - An Appeal

    English-German booklet on the historic 2nd UN Secretary General: His Death, Legacy and Vision.

  • CHF 75.-1 / 20 taken

    3 x Cleaning Water Spray Set

    Pure Water Cleaning Agent by Guardian HUMADI for a whole year - it is a stunningly clean solution for 90% of your day to day hygiene requirements.... This is a donation by the maker himself for our campaign and the price is very much discounted

  • CHF 90.-1 taken

    All Above Titles

    You receive all three books in a package plus ball-pen

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    Original T-shirt «Restore Your Faith in Humanity» with new GHF Logo, designed and sustainably produced by us.

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    Exclusive Concert

    Exclusive Concert at GHF Headquarters with GHF-Friend and blessed piano talent Jean-Jacques Dunki March 31st, 7pm – Apero Riche

  • CHF 120.-2 taken

    GHF Membership

    Become Member of the Friends of GHF - become part of our vibrant community of Giraffing Personalities and their friends and backers....

  • CHF 150.-0 taken

    A Song and V-cast

    Guardian and Podcaster Dimi Dumortier: Composing and Performing a song especially for Your/Friends Event (birthday, marriage, you name it….)

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    Bordeaux - Magnum

    You gave generously so you receive a generous gift:, Magnumm, Graves Rouge, 2007/12/14 - Enjoy this excellent wine while listening to The Podcast to Restore Your Faith in Humanity:)

  • CHF 500.-2 taken

    Supporting Membership

    Exclusive sustaining membership of GHF PLUS a CHF 300 voucher for book purchases at AAP (

  • CHF 1’500.-0 / 2 taken

    End Credits

    Homage to you/your company/institution at end of podcasts for one year

  • CHF 1’750.-1 / 3 taken

    Sponsor One Podcast

    Sponsor one Podcast Episode and your name/company/institution will be credited at the opening and end of one episode and your name mentioned at the end of podcasts throughout one year

  • CHF 2’000.-0 / 2 taken

    Homage in Opening Credits

    Your name, company, institution will be mentioned in the opening credits of the podcast over one season/year.